About Eidsbugarden
Eidsbugarden is a hotel in the Norwegian national park Jotunheimen. Its by the Bygdin lake and it is sourrounded by several nice mountains at around 2000 m. Nice place in the summer and nice in the winter. In the summer you can drive all the way or combine bus, car and boat to get there. In the winter the only way to get all the way is to walk in or take a snowmobile from Tyin. The snowmobiles are really cool 🙂 But noisy and probably not that environment friendly. They are from the 50s or something.
I am not that experienced with winter conditions in the mountains. By that I mean navigations in no visibility and evaluating the snow, slope and probability for avalanches. Because of that I have so far been walking with guides in the winter (in the summer I go without). Around Eidsbugarden it is easy to get a guide, or if you want to go by yourselves there are several mountains to ascend without to much experience (but you always need to be able to navigate in bad weather and read the snow, terrain and avalanche probability). I have gone up to Galdeberg (2075 m) twice. Its a trip at around 7-8 hours. I would suggest randonee skies because it can be heavy, wet snow and then a little difficult on the way down on mountain skies. But people go with that as well. It is a long but not very difficult trip.

I like this yearly camp in the winter: http://www.heftyeopplevelser.no/camper/basecamp-eidsbugarden/